Simon Murray

Director, SA Murray Ltd.

Simon is a civil engineer specializing in infrastructure development. He has been a senior manager in the aviation and railway industries and the client for several large projects including the Channel Tunnel Rail Link. He has a particular interest in modern methods of construction and in improving the industry’s performance. Simon is a founder member of acumen7.

Simon has been a director of an engineering consultancy, on the board of a FTSE-100 infrastructure company and chairman of a privately owned construction company. This experience has given him a rare perspective and deep knowledge of how infrastructure is developed and how the construction industry works.

Since 2001 Simon has been an independent consultant specializing in infrastructure development and modern methods of construction. His clients include Transport for London, Anglian Water and Parsons Brinckerhoff. His work has been in developing viable strategies for companies in the infrastructure sector and in managing organizational change.

Simon developed his passion for improving construction whilst working for John Egan at BAA in the 1990s. Simon led the transformation of BAA’s construction programme and the preparations for the construction of Terminal 5. He worked closely with John Egan on the Government’s task force on the construction industry and the drafting of Rethinking Construction.

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