Next Gen Engineering creates the basis for all subsequent work. It must be done with technical quality, in sequence, and generate deliverables that meet the needs of suppliers, fabricators, constructors, and operators. Engineering frequently fails to deliver on these fundamental objectives. Workflows not understood, priorities out of sync with project needs, designs that are not tailored to the constructor’s methods, and the struggle to rapidly replan and reprioritize when things go wrong all contribute to the lack of performance. This three-day course will enable participants to understand the engineering methods needed to generate the flow of work to optimize project performance. Next Gen Construction Construction is where the rubber meets the road; living with or compensating for everything that has gone wrong up to that point. Naturally, experienced construction teams anticipate trouble and attempt to protect themselves from this variability by providing early required-at-site dates for materials, demanding engineering deliverables well before they are needed, and getting an early start on any construction activity. Far too often cut steel or start site prep is done prematurely before it can be sustained with engineering and materials. Projects often fail to maintain the sequence of work that is needed to support commissioning and start up. Instead, priorities are set based on what each contractor believes is best for them. During this three-day course, participants will gain understanding of modern construction practices and technology along with how to effectively use them on a capital project.
Construction is where the rubber meets the road; living with or compensating for everything that has gone wrong up to that point. Naturally, experienced construction teams anticipate trouble and attempt to protect themselves from this variability by providing early required-at-site dates for materials, demanding engineering deliverables well before they are needed, and getting an early start on any construction activity. Far too often cut steel or start site prep is done prematurely before it can be sustained with engineering and materials. Projects often fail to maintain the sequence of work that is needed to support commissioning and start up. Instead, priorities are set based on what each contractor believes is best for them.
For more information including the path to Master Certificate in PPM, visit:
Learning Objectives
During this course, learners will:
Recognize gaps in the current approach and why these gaps exist
Understand productization decisions
Plan engineering using a project production system.
Use the Five Levers of Optimization to improve engineering performance
Define and use Computer-Aided Production Engineering (CAPE), Concurrent Design, and DfMA/DfLC
Use Concurrent Digital Engineering and Production Control to align teams on standard workflows
Establish priorities and provide real time status of the physical work
Create awareness of production decisions that must be made
Map design space and requirements
Define modern construction
Plan construction and commissioning using a project production system
Comprehend application of production-based scheduling (DES, LRM, DRS)
Understand difference between project controls and production control
Use Production Control to align teams on standard workflows
Establish priorities and provide real time status of the physical work
Use concurrent engineering to generate a bill of process (BOP)
Use the Five Levers of Optimization to improve construction performance
See how technology coupled with the industrialized construction framework can be used to improve performance
Develop a proposal/plan for a capstone project
Who Should Attend
Project Managers /Leaders
Construction Managers, Superintendents, Project Engineers, and other personnel working as part of a team in capital projects from both owners, and engineering /construction organizations.
Employees from all capital project sectors are encouraged to attend including Oil & Gas (Upstream, Midstream and Downstream)
Chemicals, Renewable Energy, Infrastructure, Heavy Civil, Manufacturing, and Mining.
Registration Fee
Course Registration
For More Information About the Course:
Dr. Ivan Damnjanovic
Professor and Director of Engineering Project Management
Zachry Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
College of Engineering, Texas A&M University