PPI 2nd Annual Symposium Synopsis

10 December 2015

The Project Production Institute annual symposium was held on December 9th, 2015 at the Julia Morgan Ballroom in San Francisco.

Project Production Management concepts were presented and discussed by leading academic researchers and industry practitioners.

The symposium featured presentations and discussions on Project Production Management topics, including:

Trends in US labor Productivity: Construction vs. Other industries (Paul Teicholz, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Civil Engineering, Stanford University Founding Director, Center for Integrated Facility Engineering)

The Need For Change (Ram Shenoy, PhD, Chief Technical Officer ConocoPhillips)

Been There Done That (Wayne Crabtree, CPMS, Continuous Improvement Advisor Chevron)

3 Eras of Project Delivery (Todd R. Zabelle, President, Strategic Project Solutions, Inc)

Going Exponential: Bottoms-Up Transformations and Our Exponential Era Ahead (David Bray, PhD, 2015 Eisenhower Fellow, Harvard Executive-In-Residence, and CIO of the FCC)

Operations Management Framework for Project Production System Design (Mark Spearman, PhD, President Factory Physics & James Choo, PhD, Chief Technical Officer Strategic Project Solutions, Inc)

Effective Implementation of Work Packaging for Complex Projects (Iris Tommelein, PhD & Glenn Ballard, PhD, Professors UC Berkeley)

Understanding & Optimizing Supply Networks (Phil Kaminsky, PhD, Professor, UC Berkeley)

Copies of participant presentations will be published for members in the Resources sections of the PPI website.

The Project Production Institute recently announced the formation of an Industry Council. Comprised of representatives from both academia and industry, the council will provide an opportunity for those interested in and passionate about improving project performance, through the application of PPM to support PPI’s purpose, vision and objectives. To learn more, visit the PPI website.

David McKay, Vice President, Well Factory Execution– Bakken, for Hess Corporation was awarded the prestigious PPI Technical Achievement Award

To join PPI, please enroll here.

About PPI

PPI works to increase the value Engineering and Construction provides to the economy and society. PPI researches and disseminates knowledge related to the application of Project Production Management (PPM) and technology for the optimization of complex and critical energy, industrial and civil infrastructure projects.

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